To feed the Lion
As already mentioned, everyone in this ministry works on a voluntary basis to make the kingdom of God known here on earth.
We also have a secular job, on the one hand of course to cover our living expenses and on the other hand to make this service for God possible – just as Paul did.
Unfortunately, there is not much for free in this world and these pages alone cost a part of our available budget. Therefore, some of the projects that are close to our hearts are still waiting to be realized, or have not yet been realized to the extent that we ourselves would like.
To help us and to be part of the harvest of this ministry in eternity, you can sow into the building of God’s kingdom here:
KSK Böblingen, Konto Nr.: 1002 2382 33 BLZ.: 603 501 30
IBAN: DE 6860 3501 3010 0223 8233
or simply with Paypal to:
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your financial support of this ministry so that we can fulfill the mission of Jesus
and help spread the good news, the Word of God, throughout the earth.
Your seed for God’s kingdom, at whatever level, is making a big difference in this world
and we pray according to Mark 4, verse 20 for a hundredfold harvest for you!